Its time to prepare for your Engagement Photo Session. These guidelines will help prepare the bride and the groom on that special day.

1. Clothing
Depending on location, we need the bride and groom to match and look their best. The session will be around 2 hours. Complementary colors will work well such as matching jeans and long sleeve top. A dressy look for men can be a button-up long sleeve shirt, dark pants and can even add a matching vest if preferred. A dressy look for the ladies can be the type of dress, with heels if you are going out for dinner in an exclusive well known restaurant. You can bring both dressy and casual attire and will look for appropriate areas where you can change.
Keep your clothes simple. No distracting logos or symbols would be ideal. No horizontal or vertical stripes. Nothing that is see through. Long sleeve tops are especially ideal so we can focus on your faces not the arms.
Beach clothing would require also simple clothing. The men can wear shorts but the khaki types would be ideal. The ladies can wear a summer dress as well. Bring flip flops or sandals. Bring a towel, bottled water (keep in the car to wash your feet before going in the car) and quarters (in case we need to pay parking meters).

2. Accessories
Bring your Engagement Ring and the Original Box (if possible). All sentimental types of Jewelry like earings, pendants, necklaces etc. You can also bring along props that may or may not have sentimental value. In case it just finished raining, an umbrella would be a wonderful prop. Hats can also be accepted (such as below, cute huh).

In addition, make sure your hands and fingers are nicely trimmed and shaped and manicured. Very important for the ladies and also for the men (if possible).

3. Make-up and Hair
For the Gentlemen, this is not much importance as long as they are well groomed in their own way. Yet, they can also follow what we are going to suggest with the ladies here. For the Ladies, we suggest to schedule a make-up/hair session with the person they are going to use on their wedding day. This can be able give you an opportunity to see how they work and if you want to continue having them as your make-up/hair person. This will also assure that you will look great in your engagement session.
Another suggestion is going to a store at the mall. I don't know how it is usually done there but by watching my sister buying MAC products at Macy's, she got a free make-over so what the heck :-)
4: Others
The E-Session usually has a start time of 4pm. We will make the necessary arrangements of either where we are going to meet or if we are going to follow each other to the destination of our photoshoot.
Make sure you have extra clothes with you especially if our photoshoot is at the beach.
You are also welcome to bring a family member(s) or friend(s) as long as they stay close with us the whole E-Session. We had experiences that some would wander and get lost. This can affect your E-Session.
If you have an injury, especially in the face, it would be ideal to wait longer and re-schedule your E-Session at a later date.

After your E-Session, the Bride and Groom can be on their own and enjoy the rest of the day/night to have a nice meal at a restaurant (no buffets ladies :-). Depending on the location, I can suggest great places to eat. I feel that I have eaten everywhere :-)